Did you know that the carpal tunnel is a passageway in your wrist? READ POST
Cadavers in Anatomy Education
The earliest documented cadaveric dissection by a medical student was performed in the 16th century but there is no doubt that the practice is even older than that.READ POST
The story behind our new female model
Why we built our groundbreaking female model and how we did it.READ POST
Dive right into Complete Anatomy 2022
Get ready to transform your learning with the world’s most advanced 3D anatomy platform. From the most detailed 3D models to expert-led learning content, PLUS our brand new Radiology feature, we’re sure to have you covered from the classroom right through to the clinic.READ POST
NEW: Detailed Clitoris & Ovarian Cycle
Our new gross model is the most advanced 3D depiction of the female body on the market, but for some tissues and organs, a gross model just isn’t enough to teach a level of important detail that we believe is lacking in currently available resources. This December, we release 2 new detailed models on the platform; the Ovarian Cycle and the Cross Section of Penis & Clitoris.READ POST
NEW: Female Model Atlas Screens
Hi there, I’m Olivia. I’m a Teaching Fellow in Anatomy at the University of Edinburgh, and I work with Compete Anatomy to create educator-focused content. I’ve been working on the collaboration between Complete Anatomy and the Gray’s family of products and I’m delighted to be able to tell you about a new update that has just landed on the platform!READ POST
NEW: Compare sexual dimorphism in Complete Anatomy
Our groundbreaking female model release includes a function that allows you to easily switch between the male and female models and compare the anatomy between them. READ POST
The wait is over: Full Female Model
Get ready for a transformative way of looking at anatomy with our brand-new full female model, new to Complete Anatomy.READ POST
Frankenstein’s Monster, A Background Story
It’s that time of the year again when all our favorite ghosts and ghouls come out! An all-time favourite that stands out is the gruesome medical creation of Frankenstein’s Monster.READ POST
PREVIEW: Penis & Clitoris Cross-Section
Did you know that embryologically, both female and male external genitalia have the same origin? Let’s take a look with a preview of our latest Detailed Model.READ POST