Understanding Urological Disorders  

The urinary tract consists of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. Together these components are the body’s drainage system for removing urine. Urologic diseases or conditions can range from urinary tract infections (UTI) to bladder control problems, or even kidney stones.  READ POST

Guided Dissection: The Pelvis 

Pelvis anatomy with labels for the Pubis, Superior Pubic Ramus and Obturator  Nerve showing dissection

In line with this summer’s theme of Inclusive Learning in Action, we have produced Guided Dissection: The Pelvis, a Course that places female pelvic anatomy center-stage.READ POST

Alice Roberts Course Update

Snippet from the “Female Anatomy with Professor Alice Roberts” course in Complete Anatomy showing the parts, surfaces and landmarks of the skull

In celebration of our complete female model, the team at Complete Anatomy have collaborated with TV anatomist, Professor Alice Roberts, to create our very first course utilizing female anatomy.READ POST

Palmar Aponeurosis Snippet 

Beneath the skin on the palm of your hand lies the palmar aponeurosis. In the central part of the deep fascia, this thickened structure is highly specialized. It is in the shape of a triangle and protects underlying neurovasculature and tendinous structures. With its firm attachment to the palmar skin, it provides an improvement on grip.  READ POST

World Health Day 2022

World Health Day is celebrated annually, and each year draws attention to a specific health concern around the world. The theme for 2022 is Our Planet, Our Health.READ POST