Get set up with Complete Heart
Get Complete Heart on your Store
Once you have purchased access to Complete Heart for the devices you need, download the app to your device from the relevant store. On iPad, visit the S. On Mac, visit the Mac S.
Open the app
When Complete Heart has completed downloading it, open it by selecting the app icon on your device. If this is your first time using the app, we recommend watching the 'Getting Started' video that will appear in the centre of the screen.
Log in to your account
To access content available through your purchase, log in to your account. To do this, select 'Profile' from the main menu on the right-hand side of the screen, and select 'Login' from the overlay that appears.
Access your new features
All the features included in the upgrade purchase will be accessible to you. Enjoy exploring the heart with the models and systems, and transform your learning with Courses, Screens, and Recordings!
Need help using Complete Heart?
Visit our support section for tutorials covering all the features included in the app, and FAQs for troubleshooting help.
View Support