Author: 3D4Medical

Undergraduate Human Anatomy: Systemic

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Taught by a team of top anatomical experts from leading universities, this systemic anatomy course in undergraduate human anatomy guides you through an introduction to key concepts and principles of human gross anatomy, covering the main body systems in respective modules.阅读详情

Undergraduate Human Anatomy: Regional

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Did you know we have over 200 hours of medical learning content on the Complete Anatomy platform? Learn from experts in fields including anatomy, cadaveric dissection, physiology, histology, cardiology, emergency medicine, and more. 阅读详情

Webinar: Microanatomy

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A couple of weeks back we had one of our most successful webinars to date. Ellie Fahy, who leads the microanatomy project on Complete Anatomy, gave us an overview of our current Detailed Models in-app, in addition to a sneak peek of some of our upcoming models.阅读详情

Webinar: Remote learning with Complete Anatomy

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Earlier this month, product expert Lindsay Brandes gave us the ultimate guide on remote learning with Complete Anatomy. It was our most attended webinar to date, and covered a range of topics, including creating content, sharing content and remote student assessment.阅读详情

Webinar: Distance learning with Kate Havens

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This week we were joined by special guest Dr. Kate Havens of the University of Southern California. Distance learning is something Dr. Havens is extremely proficient in, and something that she has championed with at the university.阅读详情

COVID-19: The Facts

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A coronavirus is a type of virus that can infect the respiratory tract, through the eyes, nose, mouth, throat, sinuses, or lungs.阅读详情