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Ace your exams with Complete Anatomy: Meet Amy

Amy Morgan is a second year medical student in Trinity College, Ireland. Learn first-hand from Amy how Complete Anatomy is helping her ace her med school exams.

I’ve always wanted to be a doctor since I was probably seven or eight years old. I’ve always had a passion about how the body works and how medicine in general makes people feel better.

An image in a book is great but I think getting that 3D effect you can see the way things really are in the body. It’s really helpful.

I love the accuracy of Complete Anatomy. It has that detail that medical students need to know

At the moment we’re studying head and neck anatomy, so accuracy is really important. I find the gross anatomy models really useful because I can hide and manipulate different structures. I can explore through the different layers right down to the bones, and then back up again.

One great thing about Complete Anatomy is that it has everything in the one place, so I don’t need to look in 5 different books to find what I need! It’s all there in the Library, where there’s a ton of pre-made content to study.

I use Complete Anatomy my phone for quick references on the go. Before I go into my lab, I’d take my phone out and explore in 3D what I am about to see in real life in dissection models.

I’ve been studying anatomy for a year now, but we’re moving more towards the clinical end of things, and I find the Courses in Complete Anatomy really helpful for bridging the gap between anatomical and clinical studies.

When myself and my classmates are studying in a group, we’d have it on a laptop … we can go through questions and go through the visual aid on the screen … It helps with the back and forth learning.

Complete Anatomy is a lifesaver for me; it’s what’s helped me pass all my exams.

I have it on all my devices, the accuracy is amazing, and I simply love it. You should just get Complete Anatomy for yourself and see – it’s a no-brainer!

Discover how Complete Anatomy can help you pass your exams with the world’s most advanced 3D anatomy platform, in addition to over 200 hours of expert-led lecture content. Try it for FREE today.