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Anatomy Dissected: CNV (trigeminal nerve)

Welcome back to another Anatomy Dissected! Olivia Murray kicks off the new year with a video on CNV (the trigeminal nerve), which is responsible for providing sensation to the face, in addition to innervating the muscles of mastication. By the end of this video you will be able to:

  • Identify the trigeminal root.
  • Explore the course and functions of each of the 3 branches of the trigeminal nerve.
  • Understand some of the common clinical conditions associated with this nerve.

As always, you can follow along using Complete Anatomy, and if you don’t have it already, you can try it for FREE for 3 days. Stay tuned for our next video, where we’ll be covering CNVI (the Abducens nerve) in detail.

We’d love to hear any feedback you have on our Anatomy Dissected series, so be sure to head over to our YouTube channel to leave a comment and subscribe.