Monitor Student Progress better with the Instructor Dashboard | Webinar

On Thursday, Lindsay gave the Educators among us the ultimate low-down on the Instructor dashboard, Complete Anatomy’s number 1 tool to effectively deliver 3D anatomy learning content to students.

Lindsay showed us how to use the Dashboard (either online or in-app) to share custom Quiz and Course content with student groups, and how to use filters to navigate through different Group and Lecture results. Lindsay explained how to access and analyze the dashboard results, to track both class performance and individual student progress. We also learned how to link individual student records to LMS and download results for use in grade books.

Share a range of custom and preset curriculum content, including Lectures and Quizzes, with an Educator License, free with any of our Institutional Solutions. To learn more about how Complete Anatomy can transform medical learning at your university, find out more on our Institutional Solutions page.