Layers and Systems

Activate the systems and organs, including the heart, lungs, cardiovascular system, and nerves, using the Systems Menu. Switch to viewing a detailed model of the blood vessels.


Showing and Hiding Layers

To turn a system or organ on or off, press and hold on its icon. For more granular control, tap on a system’s icon to display plus and minus buttons which allow you to add and remove layers within that system.

Restoring Hidden Structures

When a system contains structures that have been hidden or faded, a small marker will appear beside that system’s icon. To return all structures within the system to being fully visible, select the system icon and then ‘Show Hidden’. To reset all structures across all systems, including hidden or faded structures and tool work, select the ‘Reset’ button in the top left of the screen.

Switch Models

Switch to viewing the mini anatomy model of the blood vessels using the button in the bottom left corner of the screen. Tap again to return to the full heart model.